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National Archival Appraisal Board 

Conseil National d'Évaluation des Archives

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Masterclass - Western Canada Session

  • March 11, 2019
  • 9:00 AM (MDT)
  • March 14, 2019
  • 5:00 PM (MDT)
  • Provincial Archives of Alberta, Edmonton AB


  • Includes a one year NAAB Associate fee, eligibility assessment for Master Class, learning materials, coffee breaks, daily lunch.
This innovative 4-day intensive and hands-on training program, delivered by leading experts in archival monetary appraisal, will leverage your own extensive archival and heritage expertise, leading you through the policies and practices required to undertake both NAAB and independent archival monetary appraisal, through NAAB and independently.

Pathway 1 to become a Practising NAAB Appraiser:  MASTERCLASS

To participate in the Master Class you should be a seasoned mid to late career or retired archivist, librarian, museum curator or other heritage professional and meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. Become a member in good standing with NAAB (Associate fee is included in the registration fee). You can pay online via credit card (Registration Fee paid by Credit Card: $2,460) or please contact CCA/NAAB by email to have an invoice sent to your institution (Registration Fee paid by Invoice: $2,390)
  2. Complete the Application Form and agree to adhere to the Practising NAAB Appraiser Standards of Ethical Conduct and Professional Responsibility.
  3. Submit a detailed CV that demonstrates the appropriate minimum educational and experience requirements:

·       An undergraduate degree from a recognized university and five (5) years of experience working in an archival institution or related field.


·       Successfully completed two (2) years of post secondary education in a discipline  relevant to culture and heritage, and seven (7) years of relevant experience


·           Exceptional educational and professional circumstances may also be considered

  4. Receive official approval of registration by NAAB

Note:  Registration will be limited and preference will be given to those with archival experience (processing records).

Sessions will be delivered in English only, at this time.  However, at least one lead instructor in each session will be bilingual and participants will be encouraged to ask questions in French or English. / Les sessions seront données en anglais seulement pour le moment. Toutefois, lors de chaque session, au moins un instructeur principal sera bilingue et les participants seront encouragés à poser des questions en français ou en anglais.

Participants are required to bring a laptop with wifi capabilities to the Masterclass. All assignments will be completed electronically.  Wifi access will be provided to each participant. Technical support will not be available.

Preferred rate available at the Holiday Inn Conference Centre Edmonton South (please phone 780-431-1100 and ask for Sales Manager: Ganga Upreti)

If you would like to register for a Masterclass, please visit our temporary Square Store or contact us at to receive an invoice. For participants without institutional support, payment arrangements can be made by contacting / Si vous désirez vous inscrire à l'une des classes de maître ci-dessous, visitez notre Boutique en ligne temporaire ou contactez-nous à l'adresse pour recevoir une facture. Pour les participants sans soutien institutionnel, il est possible d'établir des modalités de versement en contactant

Are you wondering what skills and knowledge the ideal participant might have?  NAAB has created a sample self assessment to help guide your registration decision. Please note, the experience and knowledge of each application for registration will be considered on its own merits. Individual results may vary and minor variances may not preclude your participation in the Masterclass.  Disclaimer: This sample document is provided to you as guidance only. A minimum of 5 to 10 years of heritage experience would be an asset for Masterclass participants.  Each professional may have unique experiences, enhanced skills or minor knowledge gaps that may or may not be reflected within this assessment sample.

NAAB Secretariat / Secrétariat du CNÉA 
130 Albert, Suite 1912
Ottawa, ON  K1P 5G4
Tel.: (613) 565-1222 ext. 191
Toll free / Sans frais : 1-866-254-1403
Fax / Télec. : 1-855-855-0774
Email / Courriel:

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